Candle Hacks: Size It Right for Your Space

Has this ever been you? You're shopping the candle aisle and find an amazing new scent! You buy it, bring it home, light it, and find that you're barely able to smell it?

It's All About Proportions

Depending on the room you want to use your candle in, the size of your candle will determine how well the scent will carry. 

Be sure to match the size of your candle to the size of your space to maximize its scent throw!

Plenty of Space?

For the larger rooms in your home, be sure to use your large candles!

 Their melt pool is wider with more surface area, allowing the candle to release a greater amount of scent, easily filling the biggest rooms in your home.

Smaller Rooms?

Mid-size or smaller candles won't fully fragrance larger rooms.

So for smaller spaces such as guest bedrooms or home offices, mid-size or smaller candles are the ideal choice! They are sized appropriately for rooms with a smaller footprint.

We offer both!

juneberryplace has both Mini and Large candles available for this exact reason! Mix & Match Mini scents by lighting more than one in a larger space. Our Mini Candle Bundles are perfect for this. Or maximize your dollar's worth and get a Large candle for a longer burn time of 65-70 hours.

Also be sure that you're properly trimming your wicks - visit our blog here about How to Use and Care for Your Wooden Wick Candles so that you get the best performance possible.

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